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The matrix Standard is a quality framework for organisations to assess and measure their information, advice and/or guidance services, which ultimately supports individuals in their choice of career, learning, work and life goals.
Nova Training Supports young people to develop skills for their chosen careers. We support learners to plan their career journey and offer advice and guidance to allow learners to consider all of the opportunities available to them.

The Matrix assessor said:
‘At Nova Training Information, advice, and guidance (IAG) is described as “fundamental” in ensuring learners are on the right programme of learning; stay on-programme; progress in their learning goals/careers; and have enough information to make informed choices….Support is available during all stages of the learner journey starting with initial contact with the centre; during the recruitment stage; programme induction, and on-programme via progress reviews….The passion and enthusiasm of staff in supporting learners is without doubt. This, along with the breadth of support available - and provided to learners, demonstrates the ‘learner-led’ ethos that the organisation strives to achieve..’

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